September 1st


We want to share this Facebook post from Firecrackers, Inc. as it carries a very important message.

Link to Post on Facebook

Remember our pledge to keep our players emotionally healthy.

September 1 is an important day for college recruiting. It will be an exciting day for many, but for many others it will be a battle to stay positive.

Our players need us to stay calm and dignified, so that we can be reassuring when times are toughest. This is a major key in maintaining their happiness. Set boundaries ahead of time for anyone who may need them.

Do NOT get upset in front of your daughters and players. If you find yourself getting angry and resentful, then go somewhere private where they cannot see or hear you. Bad behavior is unacceptable.

Your biggest responsibility is to make sure she doesn’t feel like a disappointment. This is a long process. Maybe instead share some of your own trials and tribulations and what you learned from them. We’ve all been there because that is life. We don’t worry about what we can’t control.

What we can control is continuing to create value in our players. That starts in their mind, then their behavior, and then their physical skills. This is what eventually gets them to school. This happens for 95% of them and that is the great news!

We are here to educate and help you through the process. We will get through this together.

If you need to, put your arm around her and reassure her by saying “Everything is going to be okay”. Then don’t say another word😎